Explanation of posts

For each candidate FBE asset, we will generate a simple .pdf figure that shows the date of our last observation and our forecast of the end of the bubble. We calculate the digital fingerprints (sha256sum and sha512sum) of each figure. The digital fingerprints are simply sequences of numbers and characters that are unique to a particular electronic file (in this case, the .pdf file). We post these sequences below for each FBE asset. On each post, there will also be a link to our "numly number", which is a commercial third party verification of the date and time of our posting. After the bubble has ended, we will post the original .pdf figure, which can be downloaded to use to calculate and check the digital fingerprints.

Complete explanations and the original three papers in this project can be found online at the Financial Crisis Observatory of ETH Zurich.

05 December 2011

2011-12-05: Financial bubble detection

Registered at 2011-12-05 15:28:30 UTC





To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.


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